Habij-jan Vared Mishavad

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Hey guys. Guess what? Due to some unknown complex chemical reactions at last I decided to reactivate this blog. Who reads it? Who gives a damn! This was not thought about in those reactions. This was the conclusion and here is the result. Have you got the time to read it? If not, not only you haven’t lost anything important but also you have saved some time for yourself enjoy watching TV. But if you are one of those who find any responsibility in yourself to read this page, please accept my condolences.
What does it mean Habij-Jan. Ok let me tell you. Habij is some kind of Carrot (Havij!!!). May be a carrot without any root or some other kind. But at the time it’s me and not you what’s the difference for you to know what kind of carrot is it exactly. Hey you. Don’t you want to say that you don’t know what carrot is!?! Don’t worry. Hereby I will introduce you completely to carrot. Shall you know the benefits?
“Carrots are nutritional heroes, they store a goldmine of nutrients. No other vegetable or fruit contains as much carotene as carrots, which the body converts to vitamin A. This is a truly versatile vegetable and an excellent source of vitamins B and C as well as calcium pectate, an extraordinary pectin fibre that has been found to have cholesterol-lowering properties.The carrot is an herbaceous plant containing about 87% water, rich in mineral salts and vitamins (B,C,D,E). Raw carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A and potassium; they contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamine, folic acid, and magnesium. Cooked carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, a good source of potassium, and contain vitamin B6, copper, folic acid, and magnesium. The high level of beta-carotene is very important and gives carrots their distinctive orange colour.
Carrots also contain, in smaller amounts, essential oils, carbohydrates and nitrogenous composites. They are well-known for their sweetening, antianaemic, healing, diuretic, remineralizing and sedative properties. In order to assimilate the greatest quantity of the nutrients present in carrots, it is important to chew them well - they are the exception to the rule - they are more nutritious cooked than raw.”

As you can see Habij has got too much benefit in it. Take some habij here every day and live healthy;)
For further information you shall visit the site below:

Friday, March 14, 2003

قضیه خیلی سادس. ما آدما موجودات خودپسند خودنما و در عین حال احمقی هستیم(من که هستم شمارو نمی دونم) حتی واسه خصوصیترین گنجهامونم آدرس می ذاریم که خدای نکرده نشه ما سقط شیم بقیه ن�همن ما چه گهی بودیم. پیش پای شما آدرس سایتو واسه کاوه �رستادم:|

Thursday, March 13, 2003

اه از کلمه ها خسته شدم. کاش یه راه ساده تر و مت�کرانه تر وجور داشت. به عصر سیم یخ(wireless) خوش آمدید.

Monday, September 02, 2002

Vali jeddan onshab khosh gozasht va hamash khatere bood kash baghyii ke naboodan ham miboodand.

Ehsase yek mahkoom bad az edam;)

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Vali jeddan bi shookhi baraye avalin bar fekr mikonam ke gooya daram kare dorosti anjam midam va kheili raziam.(khoda razi bashe) va kamelan az entekhabe khodam khoshhalam.khoob entekhabi kardam khooob.
Sokhangooye Jadide Jameye ZiZavion
Be har che ZZ basham ya nabasham ehsase balam eine haghighate

Ehsase yek mahkoom ghabl az edam;)

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Ajab shorozogh chize ajibie.Baba man ro internetram.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa benazam technolorgio.

Agha in Damad shodanam chize khoobieha age ye pedarzane hyperactive dashte bashi.Az aghsa noghate donya vasat zang mizanan Agha Mohsen kari chizi dari dar khedmatima. Maam migam be hamchenin; age kari bood maram khabar konid;)